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Meet the Board

MAMT Executive Board


Emily Oaks


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Emily Bruestle

Past President

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Tom Gerni

Vice President


Zoe Simon-Levine


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Brianna Webster 


Anissa Dominguez

Anissa Dominguez

Public Relations


Natasha Montgomery



Liz Smith 

Government Relations

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Emma Martin

President Elect 


Meghan Roche

Member at Large

What is Music Therapy?

An Allied Health Profession

Music Therapy is

A unique and specialized healthcare profession that employs music-based strategies during the assessment, treatment planning and intervention process to help individuals of all ages improve sensory, motor, communication, emotional, cognitive, and social functioning.

Education and Training

A qualified Music Therapist must complete an AMTA-approved university music therapy degree program, post-degree clinical training, and possess the board certification credential. Music therapists may also hold graduate degrees or specialized trainings.

Where do MT's Work

Music Therapists work in both private industry and state agencies throughout the state and serve adults and children with developmental, psychiatric, neurological, medical, educational, end of life, forensic, and preventive care needs.

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