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Constitution and Bylaws


Article I – Purpose


Section 1. The Maryland Association for Music Therapy shall cooperate in the advancement of the purposes and objectives of the American Music Therapy Association and of the Mid Atlantic Region, as stated in their constitution.

Section 2. MAMT's specific purpose is the advancement of Music Therapy as a professional discipline in the state of Maryland.

Article II – Membership

Section 1. Membership in the Association shall be of four classes: Professional, Student, Associate, and Retired Music Therapist.
Section 2. Membership privileges shall be specified in the by-laws.

  1. Professional – shall be open to all persons who graduated from a Music Therapy program and are recognized as a professional by the Certification Board for Music Therapist and/or The American Music Therapy Association, and who reside in or are professionally engaged in Music Therapy within the State of Maryland. Professional membership shall provide the privileges of participation in all of the activities of the Association, the right to vote, the right to hold office, and receive any and all publications produced by the Association.


  1. Student – shall be open to all persons enrolled in a college, university or clinical internship program who are pursuing Music Therapy as a profession. Student membership shall provide the privilege of participation in the all of the activities of the Association and to receive any and all publications, but does not provide the right to vote or hold office, except for Student Representative, if the board elects to have one.


  1. Associate – shall be open to individuals or organizations who are not Music Therapists themselves, but are interested music therapy. Associate membership is also open to professionals recognized as a professional by the Certification Board for Music Therapist and/or The American Music Therapy Association who do not reside in or work in the state of Maryland. Associate membership shall provide the privilege of participation in the all of the activities of the Association and to receive any and all publications, but does not provide the right to vote or hold office. Associate members can participate on committees.


  1. Retired – shall be open to those who worked professionally as Music Therapists as recognized by the Certification Board for Music Therapist and/or the American Music Therapy Association, but are now retired. All rights and privileges of the Professional member apply to this membership class.


Article III – Officers 

Section 1. The elected officers of the Maryland Association for Music Therapy shall be elected biennially by electronic ballot or by paper ballot (when requested) at least one (1) month prior to the beginning of the officers’ term (July 1) via election procedures as specified in Article IV, Section 1. 

Section 2. The elected officers of the Association shall be President, President-Elect, Vice-President, immediate Past-President, Treasurer, Public Relations Chair, and Government Relations Chair. These will be the voting executive committee members. The appointed officers of the Association shall be the Secretary, Historian, and Member at Large.

Section 3. The executive committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members: Immediate Past President, President, President Elect, Vice-President, Treasurer, Public Relations Chair, and Government Relations Chair. The Secretary, Historian, and Member at Large shall be appointed by the President with approval from the Executive Committee. These appointed officers shall be ex-officio members without the right to vote. 

Section 4. The authority and duty of officers shall be defined by the by-laws.

Section 5. Officers shall serve a term of two years or until the next subsequent election.

Section 6. Appointed officers and members of standing committees shall be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Committee.

  1. The Past President shall advise the Executive committee and provide continuity in the administration of the association. The Past President shall, with the President Elect, co-chair the nominating committee. After elections and before the end of the term, the outgoing Past President shall meet with the incoming Past President to explain bylaws, policies, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to the position.


  1. The President shall preside at all business meetings of the Association, call and preside at meetings of the Executive Committee, appoint with the approval of the executive committee all appointed officers and all standing and special committees, designating the chairperson of each special committee, be an ex-official member of all committees without a right to vote, perform the other duties implied by the title, and mentor the elect position for the duties stated above. The President shall fulfill requirements and duties as stated in the Constitution and By-laws of the Mid-Atlantic Region (MAR) as the Maryland Representative to MAR. After elections and before the end of the term, the outgoing President shall meet with the incoming President to explain bylaws, policies, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to the position.


  1. The President Elect shall assist the President as requested, study the duties of the President in preparation to assume all duties and responsibilities in the next term, and assume all duties of the President in case of resignation or removal of the President. The President Elect shall, with the Past President, co-chair the nominating committee. The President Elect will initiate and oversee all continuing education offerings and supervision groups. After elections and before the end of the term, the outgoing President Elect shall meet with the incoming President Elect to explain bylaws, policies, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to the position.


  1. The Vice-President shall serve as membership chairperson and shall assume all duties of the President in case of the resignation, removal, or absence of the President. The Vice-President is also in charge of preparing proposed revisions of the Constitution and Bylaws to be voted on by membership. After elections and before the end of the term, the outgoing Vice-President shall meet with the incoming Vice-President to explain bylaws, policies, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to the position.


  1. The Secretary shall be appointed by the President with approval from the Executive Committee. They shall keep the minutes of all business meetings of the Association and all meetings of the Executive Committee. The Secretary is also responsible for preparing an Agenda to be presented to the Executive Committee and/or Membership one week prior to the meeting. Submissions to the agenda should be given to the Secretary two weeks prior to the meeting. After elections and before the end of the term, the outgoing Secretary shall meet with the incoming Secretary to explain bylaws, policies, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to the position.


  1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting all membership dues, pay all bills authorized by the Executive Committee; shall keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements; shall present a financial report upon request by the President and present a written report to the Association at the business meeting immediately preceding the beginning of the fiscal year. The treasurer will propose an annual budget by December 1 to be reviewed by membership through December 15 and approved by the executive board before January 1 of each year. The Treasurer shall serve as Fund-raising Chair. The Treasurer will also be responsible for coordinating funds from MAR as needed. The treasurer is responsible for establishing scholarship dates and building the standing committee to review scholarships. They can recuse themselves due to conflict of interest or if they otherwise cannot head the committee themselves. After elections and before the end of the term, the outgoing Treasurer shall meet with the incoming Treasurer to explain bylaws, policies, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to the position.


  1. The Historian shall be appointed by the President with approval from the Executive Committee. They shall work to maintain and preserve materials of historic importance to the association and field of music therapy in the state of Maryland. After elections and before the end of the term, the outgoing Historian shall meet with the incoming Historian to explain bylaws, policies, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to the position.


  1. The Member-At-Large shall be appointed by the President with approval from the Executive Committee and shall assist in conducting the business at hand and carry out any duties assigned to them by the President and the Executive Committee. The Member at large will monitor forums and community pages for continuity of information. The Member at large will coordinate any mentorship programs. After elections and before the end of the term, the outgoing Member-At-Large shall meet with the incoming Member-At-Large to explain bylaws, policies, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to the position. 


  1. The Public Relations Chairperson for the Association shall proactively foster favorable relations between the MAMT and the Mid-Atlantic Region, the American Music Therapy Association, appropriate organizations, and the public at large. The Public Relations Chairperson shall also consult with and/or hire a website coordinator with the approval of the Executive Committee. After elections and before the end of the term, the outgoing Public Relations Chairperson shall meet with the incoming Public Relations Chairperson to explain bylaws, policies, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to the position.


  1. The Government Relations Chairperson for the Association shall fulfill requirements and duties as stated in the Constitution and By-laws of the Association, the Mid-Atlantic Region, and the American Music Therapy Association, while maintaining regular communications between all organizations and representing MAMT to the media. The Government Relations Chairperson will also serve as liaison between the State Task Force and MAR’s and AMTA’s Government Relation Chair. After elections and before the end of the term, the outgoing Government Relations Chairperson shall meet with the incoming Government Relations Chairperson to explain bylaws, policies, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to the position.


  1. All elected Executive Board Members will chair a standing committee as determined by need by the membership and board during their 2-year term except for the President.

Article IV – Elections

Section 1. Elections procedures will be outlined in the bylaws. 


  1. A nominating committee shall consist of the Past President and the President Elect, who will serve as co-chairs, and three (3) professional members appointed by the Executive Committee.


  1. The nominating committee shall present the names of the nominees with accompanying biographical information for each of the elective officers to be voted upon by the membership.  


  1. In the two (2) weeks that follow the presentation of nominees, members may nominate additional consenting candidates.


  1. Ballots will then be distributed within two (2) weeks following the end of the nomination period.


  1. Removal from Office: Any officer may be removed for non-performance at any duly constituted meeting by a majority vote of the members of the Association or any two-thirds vote of the Executive Board. In all cases, the Officer shall be notified no less than fourteen (14) days prior to placing the removal of office on the agenda and shall have the right of appeal with the Executive Board before a vote is taken. The officer being removed shall be notified in writing by the Executive Board with the notice sent to the known address held by the Secretary. 


  1. Vacancies: A vacancy in any office arising from any cause whatsoever may be filled ProTempore by the Executive Board at any regular or special meeting by an affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining officers and then a formal mail ballot will proceed for election of a new officer. An officer so elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of the predecessor in office.


  1. Powers: The Executive Board shall have control and management of the business, funds and property of the Association. The Executive Board may appoint standing or special committees and agents, and may exercise all such powers and do all such lawful acts on behalf of the Association.

Article V – Meetings

Section 1. Meetings of the Association shall be held at such times and places determined by the Executive Committee with input from membership.

    A. The Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of two times per year. 

B. Notice of all Executive Committee meetings shall be provided to members no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. Member requests to attend and be included on the agenda shall be made no less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

Article VI – Dues 

Section 1. Annual dues shall be specified in the by-laws.

  1. The fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31.


  1. All members of the Association may pay annual dues anytime throughout the year, but membership shall terminate at the end of the calendar year. Amount of the dues shall be set by vote of the Association members, but in no case shall be less than twenty dollars ($20.00) for Professional and Associate members, fifteen dollars ($15.00) for Retired members, and ten dollars ($10.00) for Student Members.

Article VII – Quorum

Section 1. A majority of the Executive Committee including two elected officers must be present for an Executive Committee meeting.

Section 2. A majority of the Executive Committee plus 5% of the eligible voting membership shall constitute quorum for a business meeting.

Article VIII – Amendments

Section 1. The Constitution may be amended at any regularly called meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of the eligible voting members present, the proposed amendments having been submitted to the membership at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.

Section 2. This Constitution may also be amended by email vote solicited from the total membership, the amendments having been submitted to the membership by email at least three weeks before the vote is due. A 2/3 affirmative of the members responding is necessary for change, adoption, or repeal of an amendment.

Article IX– Record Keeping 

Section 1. The financial records of the Association will consist of a checking account. The Treasurer of the Association is responsible for the monies and is accountable to the membership for the accurate record keeping and balances.

Section 2. Financial Internal Review: There will be an internal review of the association's financial records in the second year of the Treasurer's term of office. The review will be performed by the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and one person appointed by the board. If needed, the Executive Committee can call for a review at any time.

Section 3. Financial External Review: There will be an external review of the association’s financial records every five (5) years, so that this falls halfway within the Treasurer’s term of office. This review will be performed by three (3) professional members who are not part of the Executive Committee. Membership may request a review, such as a compilation, by an outside, professional source should the association have enough funding for it without using more than 30 percent of its funds.

Section 4. Financial Report: There will be at least one financial report presented to the membership each year.

as a professional discipline in the state of Maryland. 

Article II – Membership 

Section 1. Membership in the Association shall be of four classes: Professional, Student, Associate, and Retired Music Therapist. 

Section 2. Membership privileges shall be specified in the by-laws. 

A. Professional – shall be open to all persons who graduated from a Music Therapy 
program and are recognized as a professional by the Certification Board for Music Therapist and/or The American Music Therapy Association, and who reside in or are professionally engaged in Music Therapy within the State of Maryland. Professional membership shall provide the privileges of participation in all of the activities of the Association, the right to vote, the right to hold office, and receive any and all publications produced by the Association. 
B. Student – shall be open to all persons enrolled in a college, university or clinical internship program who are pursuing Music Therapy as a profession. Student membership shall provide the privilege of participation in the all of the activities of the Association and to receive any and all publications, but does not provide the right to vote or hold office, except for Student Representative, if the board elects to have one. 
C. Associate – shall be open to individuals or organizations who are not Music  Therapists themselves, but are interested music therapy. Associate membership is also open to professionals recognized as a professional by the Certification Board for Music Therapist and/or The American Music Therapy Association who do not reside in or work in the state of Maryland. Associate membership shall provide the privilege of participation in the all of the activities of the Association and to receive any and all publications, but does not provide the right to vote or hold office. Associate members can participate on committees. 
D. Retired – shall be open to those who worked professionally as Music Therapists as recognized by the Certification Board for Music Therapist and/or the American Music Therapy Association, but are now retired. All rights and privileges of the Professional member apply to this membership class. 


Article III – Officers 

Section 1. The elected officers of the Maryland Association for Music Therapy shall be elected biennially by electronic ballot or by paper ballot (when requested) at least one (1) month prior to the beginning of the officers’ term (July 1) via election procedures as specified in Article IV, Section 1. 

Section 2. The elected officers of the Association shall be President, President-Elect, Vice-President, immediate Past-President, Treasurer, Public Relations Chair, and Government Relations Chair. These will be the voting executive committee members. The appointed officers of the Association shall be the Secretary, Historian, and Member at Large. 

Section 3. The executive committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members: Immediate Past President, President, President Elect, Vice-President, Treasurer, Public Relations Chair, and Government Relations Chair. The Secretary, Historian, and Member at Large shall be appointed by the President with approval from the Executive Committee. These appointed officers shall be ex-officio members without the right to vote. 

Section 4. The authority and duty of officers shall be defined by the by-laws. 

Section 5. Officers shall serve a term of two years or until the next subsequent election. 

Section 6. Appointed officers and members of standing committees shall be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Committee. 

A. The Past President shall advise the Executive committee and provide continuity in 
the administration of the association. The Past President shall, with the President Elect, co-chair the nominating committee. 
B. The President shall preside at all business meetings of the Association, call and 
preside at meetings of the Executive Committee, appoint with the approval of the 
executive committee all appointed officers and all standing and special committees, designating the chairman of each special committee, be an ex-official member of all committees without a right to vote, perform the other duties implied by the title, and mentor the elect position for the duties stated above. The President shall fulfill requirements and duties as stated in the Constitution and By-laws of the Mid-Atlantic Region (MAR) as the Maryland Representative to MAR. 
C. The President Elect shall assist the President as requested, study the duties of the President in preparation to assume all duties and responsibilities in the next term, and assume all duties of the President in case of resignation or removal of the President. The President Elect shall, with the Past President, co-chair the nominating committee. 
D. The Vice-President shall serve as membership chairman and shall assume all 
duties of the President in case of the resignation, disability or absence of the President. The Vice-President is also in charge of preparing proposed revisions of the Constitution and Bylaws to be voted on by membership. 
E. The Secretary shall be appointed by the President with approval from the 
Executive Committee. They shall keep the minutes of all business meetings of the Association and all meetings of the Executive Committee. The Secretary is also responsible for preparing an Agenda to be presented to the Executive Committee and/or Membership one week prior to the meeting. Submissions to the agenda should be given to the Secretary two weeks prior to the meeting. 
F. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting all membership dues, pay all bills 
authorized by the Executive Committee; shall keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements; shall present a financial report upon request by the President and present a written report to the Association at the business meeting immediately preceding the beginning of the fiscal year. The Treasurer shall serve as Fund-raising Chair. The Treasurer will also be responsible for coordinating funds from MAR as needed. 
G. The Historian shall be appointed by the President with approval from the 
Executive Committee. They shall work to maintain and preserve materials of historic importance to the association and field of music therapy in the state of Maryland. 
H. The Member-At-Large shall be appointed by the President with approval from the Executive Committee and shall assist in conducting the business at hand and carry out any duties assigned to them by the President and the Executive Committee. 
I. The Public Relations Chairman for the Association shall proactively foster  favorable relations between the MAMT and the Mid-Atlantic Region, the American Music Therapy Association, appropriate organizations, and the public at large. The Public Relations Chairman shall also consult with and/or hire a website coordinator with the approval of the Executive Committee. 
J. The Government Relations Chairman for the Association shall fulfill requirements 
and duties as stated in the Constitution and By-laws of the Association, the Mid-Atlantic Region, and the American Music Therapy Association, while maintaining regular communications between all organizations and representing MAMT to the media. The Government Relations Chairman will also serve as liaison between the State Task Force and MAR’s and AMTA’s Government Relation Chair. 
K. All elected Executive Board Members will chair a standing committee as 
determined by need by the membership and board during their 2-year term except for the President 


Article IV – Elections 

Section 1. Elections procedures will be outlined in the bylaws. 

A. A nominating committee shall consist of the Past President and the President 
Elect, who will serve as co-chairs, and three (3) professional members appointed by the Executive Committee. 
B. The nominating committee shall present the names of the nominees with 
accompanying biographical information for each of the elective officers to be voted upon by the membership . 
C. In the two (2) weeks that follow the presentation of nominees, members may 
nominate additional consenting candidates. 
D. Ballots will then be distributed within two (2) weeks following the end of the 
nomination period. 
E. Removal from Office: Any officer may be removed for non-performance at any 
duly constituted meeting by a majority vote of the members of the Association or any two-thirds vote of the Executive Board. In all cases, the Officer shall be notified no less than fourteen (14) days prior to placing the removal of office on 
the agenda and shall have the right of appeal with the Executive Board before a vote is taken. The officer being removed shall be notified in writing by the Executive Board with the notice sent to the known address held by the Secretary. 
F. Vacancies: A vacancy in any office arising from any cause whatsoever may be 
filled ProTempore by the Executive Board at any regular or special meeting by an affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining officers and then a formal mail ballot will proceed for election of a new officer. An officer so elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of the predecessor in office. 
G. Powers: The Executive Board shall have control and management of the business, funds and property of the Association. The Executive Board may appoint standing or special committees and agents, and may exercise all such powers and do all such lawful acts on behalf of the Association. 


Article V – Meetings 

Section 1. Meetings of the Association shall be held at such times and places determined by the Executive Committee with input from membership. 

A. The Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of two times per year. 
B. Notice of all Executive Committee meetings shall be provided to members no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. Member requests to attend and be included on the agenda shall be made no less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting. 


Article VI – Dues 
Section 1. Annual dues shall be specified in the by-laws. 

A. The fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31. 
B. All members of the Association may pay annual dues anytime throughout the year, 
but membership shall terminate at the end of the calendar year. Amount of the dues shall be set by vote of the Association members, but in no case shall be less than twenty dollars ($20.00) for Professional and Associate members, fifteen dollars ($15.00) for Retired members, and ten dollars ($10.00) for Student Members. 


Article VII – Quorum 

Section 1. A majority of the Executive Committee including two elected officers must be present for an Executive Committee meeting. 

Section 2. A majority of the Executive Committee plus 5% of the eligible voting membership shall constitute quorum for a business meeting. 

Article VIII – Amendments 

Section 1. The Constitution may be amended at any regularly called meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of the eligible voting members present, the proposed amendments having been submitted to the membership at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. 

Section 2. This Constitution may also be amended by email vote solicited from the total membership, the amendments having been submitted to the membership by email at least three weeks before the vote is due. A 2/3 affirmative of the members responding is necessary for change, adoption, or repeal of an amendment. 

Article IX– Record Keeping 

Section 1. The financial records of the Association will consist of a checking account. The Treasurer of the Association is responsible for the monies and is accountable to the membership for the accurate record keeping and balances. 

Section 2. Financial Internal Review: There will be an internal review of the association's financial records in the second year of the Treasurer's term of office. The review will be performed by the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and one person appointed by the board. If needed, the Executive Committee can call for a review at any time. 

Section 3. Financial External Review: There will be an external review of the association’s financial records every five (5) years, so that this falls halfway within the Treasurer’s term of office. This review will be performed by three (3) professional members who are not part of the Executive Committee. Membership may request a review, such as a compilation, by an outside, professional source should the association have enough funding for it without using more than 30 percent of its funds. 

Section 4. Financial Report: There will be at least one financial report presented to the membership each year.

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